Hovy, our climate action story

Why Hovy?

Via experiencing our different outdoor activities, such as kitesurfing, surfing, climbing, scuba-diving or hiking, we have learned how to appreciate nature and its vulnerability. There are lots of discussions between governments regarding climate change. However, we think that private businesses and organizations should have an important role and can have a strong impact on helping the planet thanks to their resources and the increasing sustainability demand from their clients. In order to guide companies along their sustainability journey, we developed the AROC idea:

●    Analyze your carbon footprint

●    Reduce your carbon emissions

●    Offset your emissions which can’t be avoided for now

●    Communicate efficiently your sustainability strategy

Why analyzing your carbon footprint?

Human activities are impacting the planet in different ways, such as maltreatment of animals, pollution, ocean acidification, and many more. One of the biggest challenges we are facing is the constant increase of CO2 emissions, which leads to an increase in temperatures that will strongly impact natural ecosystems. A carbon footprint is a sophisticated process to realize and is the pillar to start an action plan and fight climate change. Indeed, we need to identify first where our CO2 emissions are coming from and then design a carbon reduction plan to fight global warming. We are convinced that the use of carbon footprint methodology will be widely used in the world.
You can learn more about our Analyze service here and our Reduce service here.

Why offsetting with carbon credits and sustainable projects?

We need concrete solutions and carbon credits is one of them. It is not THE solution, the main priority is to reduce CO2 emissions, but combined with other reduction initiatives, they contribute to carbon neutrality. They can help businesses take responsibility for their carbon footprint and support sustainable projects that benefit the environment and local communities (aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals).

In the Hovy offset marketplace, we only offer certified carbon credits from the most respected organizations (like the United Nations) to make sure the projects deliver their promises.
You can learn more about our Offset marketplace here.

Why is sustainability communication crucial?

It's important to be careful when communicating your ESG strategy and your sustainability initiatives. If orchestrated wrongly, it can be criticized as greenwashing, give you a lot of backlash and even be counterproductive for the environment. For example, some companies used to offset their emissions with carbon credits and continue to do business-as-usual and were claiming they don’t pollute, this is a typical example of greenwashing.

Companies can have good intentions about climate change, but with an inappropriate communication, it can be seen as opportunism and not a real will to improve things.
You can learn more about our Communicate tools here.

To summarize, Hovy was born from our will to build a more sustainable world where companies and organizations can contribute to a common cause for the current and future generations.

If you are interested in our services, feel free to schedule a demo with one carbon expert here.

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