We also help reducing CO2 emissions in the event & culture industry!

What does Hovy mean?

The first carbon project we discovered was located in Paraguay.
One of the official languages of Paraguay is Guarani,
in this language Hovy means blue & green.
Blue (water) & green (trees) are the best natural carbon sinks on Earth
to reduce carbon emissions from the atmosphere.

Who we are

Judikael grew up in France and has a strong international exposure. He lived in the US, UK, France, Spain and the Middle-East.
Judikael has a certification in carbon footprint analysis delivered by Carbon 4, and he has been working closely for 3 years with the French National Commission for UNESCO, including for projects related to climate change.

Our mission

Our mission is to help organizations to build a more sustainable world thanks to our technology & our expertise

Our values

In this long-term journey, our team and clients are fully engaged to reach their sustainable goals.
We are aiming to bring as many organizations on board to have a positive impact on the planet
We follow international methodologies and we are aligned with 2030 UN goals
Constant learning
To build a sustainable world requires a constant adaptability & flexibility
Trusted by forward-thinking companies