10 ways to reduce carbon emissions from our events

Reducing the carbon footprint of events is an important concern, as meetings and activities often generate greenhouse gas emissions.

Here are some ways you can reduce the carbon footprint of your events:

Sustainable location and transport

Choose a location that is easily accessible by public transport, or promote carpooling and sustainable transport for attendees. You can also consider virtual events to reduce the need for travel.

Renewable energy

Use renewable energy sources to power your events whenever possible. You can opt for green-certified facilities or use temporary solar or wind generators.

Waste reduction

Minimise waste by eliminating single-use products such as disposable plates, cups and cutlery. Encourage waste separation and recycling, and consider using reusable or compostable products.

Sustainable food

Offer local and seasonal food choices, preferably from organic sources. Reduce food waste by carefully planning quantities and donating surpluses.

Sustainable materials

Use sustainable building and decoration materials at your events. Avoid excessive use of posters and printed materials, and use technology to share information and programmes.

Sustainable transport and logistics

Plan your event logistics efficiently to reduce unnecessary travel. You can also consider carbon offsetting to neutralise carbon emissions that you cannot avoid.

Awareness and education

Inform attendees about the importance of sustainability and how they can contribute. Promote sustainable practices, such as waste reduction and energy efficiency, during the event.

Measure and track

Keep track of your event's carbon emissions and look for ways to reduce them in future editions. You can use carbon footprint calculation tools to assess the impact of your actions.

Encourage sustainable sponsorships

Seek sponsors who share your sustainability values and promote responsible practices in their event-related activities.

Sustainable legacies

Consider the long-term impact of your event on the local community. You can leave a positive legacy through investments in sustainable projects or donations to charities.

Reducing the carbon footprint of events is a process that requires planning and commitment, but can have a significant impact on protecting the environment. Hovy are experts in decarbonising the cultural sector, feel free to book an appointment with us.

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